Children Need Your Help This Giving Tuesday
Giving Tuesday is all about being generous. It follows a series of days that begin with Thanksgiving when you are to examine your life and literally count your blessings.
After that, there is Black Friday. A day dedicated to shopping, finding deals, spending money, and hopefully, saving money.
Then there is Cyber Monday, a day exactly like Black Friday for online shopping.
On Giving Tuesday, you are encouraged to share your savings with others and give out of the generosity in your heart. As you have been thankful for all that you received, and thankful for all that you were able to purchase, now it is time to bless others as you have been blessed.
A great way to do that is by feeding children.
For every dollar you donate, up to 6 meals will be provided to starving children around the world.
If you donate $15 today, you’ll feed one child for an entire month!
You will literally be saving lives. Therefore, I challenge you to take a look at the money you saved. Take a look at the blessings you’ve received. Examine your life and all that you have to be thankful for.
Then, make a choice to bless others.
Donate $15 a month and FEED CHILDREN.
Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?
James 2:15–16
Take action. Meet the physical needs of starving children around the world. Visit the link below to learn more.